Category: Friends


The worst part of a friendship is ending one. Slowly not responding to texts, not answering calls and hoping that the relationship just kinda disappears. Maybe one day seeing them and asking what happened? But it becomes difficult when that person is in the group of friends you stil want to be with.

My mission- Say goodbye

Wish me luck

❤ Yupithappens


People are so self centered it drives me crazy.

My boyfriend came down this wekend and we had a few other people staying at the house so we split all of the costs for food between the 4 of us, but I paid for my boyfriend so technically I paid for half. Well now they keep bitching at me because we used too much food and cant believe we ate and drank that much. well they left a day early and it isn’t my fault they didn’t take what they felt was their half with them. Also, there is plenty left for them to take. They are just upset I didn’t pay as much attention to them as I normally do because I havent seen my boyfriend for a month and a half and of course I am going to spend more time with my boyfriend. What did you expect I ditch him all night to hear you two bitch about people that didn’t come over and canceled plans. You wonder why you don’t get along with people. Oops not my fault. Grow up this is not high school get over it.

❤ Yupithappens


My birthday is May 7th. Last year I sent it with some friends and we were supposed to have a small party at a friends house. Well the party ended up becoming a half mile walk to another house to watch a Hawks game. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching sports, but on a day like my birthday I don’t want to sit in a smelly house with people that can’t even remember their names. It was awful. Last year it was a friday and the start of a weekend it is supposed to be a fun late night out but nope. I was sitting on a couch where nobody knew who I was or that it was my birthday. finally after the game we walk back to my friends place and i was so depressed that I ended up just walking all the way back to my own home. Another half mile hike up hill. I was dating my current boyfriend at the time but he had to stay 5 hours away and the relationship was still new. he knew I was not enjoying my night and his present got lost in the mail (the USPS hates us) and I did nothing but cry myself to sleep that night. Happy birthday to me.
This year, I am have no plans of what the day will bring. I will see my boyfriend the weekend before but not that weekend. I am worried I will enjoy a birthday that just blows under the rug and nobody notices. I am afraid nothing will happen that day and I want to have a great party but not at my house because the next day I don’t want to clean it up. That is the worst.
Well we will see what this May brings
❤ Yupithappens


It is quite sad how people move on. You see friendships stay together and wonder why yours never did. You think “I was so much better to them than blah blah blah was”. Kinda sad to see people stay together and then leave you in the dark. After a while, you just get sick of trying and give up because obviously you are not as important to them as they are to you. I know I am not supposed to give up, but honestly, it gets tiring. And maybe they never really liked me and that is why they are ignoring you, breaking plans, having  great time without you, trying to get out out of their life as pain free as possible. I am not sure. I just am starting to hate to look at my old pictures and realize how many of them I actually still talk to…