People are so self centered it drives me crazy.

My boyfriend came down this wekend and we had a few other people staying at the house so we split all of the costs for food between the 4 of us, but I paid for my boyfriend so technically I paid for half. Well now they keep bitching at me because we used too much food and cant believe we ate and drank that much. well they left a day early and it isn’t my fault they didn’t take what they felt was their half with them. Also, there is plenty left for them to take. They are just upset I didn’t pay as much attention to them as I normally do because I havent seen my boyfriend for a month and a half and of course I am going to spend more time with my boyfriend. What did you expect I ditch him all night to hear you two bitch about people that didn’t come over and canceled plans. You wonder why you don’t get along with people. Oops not my fault. Grow up this is not high school get over it.

❤ Yupithappens