Category: Dating

Once It Happens…

They always say once a daughter becomes a mother does she love her own mother so much more.

I think it is the same way with marrage.

Once two people fall in love, you see how your love for your parents truly is.

I am so in love. and I now see the love in my parents like I never have before and makes me even happier that I have found that person for me.

Never regret. each smile meant something, each tear was a lesson learned. each fight was a reason, to keep those who put the smile on your face close. Never look back and dont over analyze people. Sometimes there is nothing hidden, and you need to drop all the fears and enjoy the ride.


For some reason, forever and always has a new meaning… and the truth starts to unfold from the past and making an easier future. Once the past is settled I have seen that it is easier to move on into the future.

In relationships, people always say I don’t want to know what happened before me., when in actuality it might be the best idea to sit down and talk about the past. just make sure you are safe from any crazed ex girlfriends, family or even debt.

Throughout my years in schooling, I hated history at first. I never cared what happened and why the empire fell and why we were where we are today. I was just happy I am here. But then the teachers told me to take a closer look. You learn from the mistakes, and you remember them. Then can you move on and not repeat the past (5).

If you learn how your chosen one had debt, but worked hard to get out of it, it would be less likely that he will want to be in debt again and probably is very smart with making a budget now. Or if the girl you want to date can never seem to keep a job. Still. It might be a trait she has that you don’t like.

Learn the past of people. If they don’t learn from it, either 1. you can. or 2. you can get out of a relationship (friend, coworker, romantic or even your employee) before it is too late and they disappoint you.

“They say what goes up must come down but don’t let me fall”

The new B.O.B song. I have long nights thinking about this line. Because it is so true. At least for me.

They say what goes up

You get that pure feeling of happiness in life one day when you are with friends, laughing and having a good ol’ time. Enjoying a walk along a beach or a trail through the woods. Going out to a party and picking out outrageous outfits for your friends to wear. Anything that you love doing with your friends. You go out and have the time of your life. then as the night comes to an end, and one by one they leave. They go home.

As you are walking home you see the moon and the stars. you were just on cloud nine. Enjoying every part of life and just letting it happen. You are walking home, alone with your heals in your hand, or even are just dropped off at your place. Then you stop. Stop and think about how you are now. Kind of down and depressed. The fun is all over, and you are no where close to being ready for bed. But you walk in the front door to where you are staying.

Must come down

You find a mirror. There is always a mirror around when you are upset, or sad. The grin lines are still shown on your face from smiling all night. Your hair is nowhere near where it was when you left the house. And your makeup is slowly disappearing off your face. You fell. You are no longer on cloud nine. You are alone. home and depressed now. Something clicks once that door was shut behind you that it is over.

Don’t let me fall.

The only time I did not feel like the night came to an abrupt halt whether it was a slow one like above, a car accident or cops coming in and ruining some sort of fun, was when I had a day with my boyfriend and i knew he would still be next to me when he woke up. We had a wonderful day. So happy and then slept next to each other through the night. I have a sleeping problem but slept straight through that night. He didn’t let me fall. He held me up.

I feel like that is what people need.

Someone to be there.

Someone to speak their mind to.

It has always bugged me that people think cheating in relationships is okay. Don’t people remember the reason you are dating in the first place? It is not for fun or the sex, it is to find a partner in life. to find your other half, your soul mate. Nowadays people date for nothing for fun like it is a sport. How many people you sleep with or how many people you can get numbers for in a bar. It is ridiculous.  Dating someone no longer means being faithful and it is not unheard of to cheat.

Cheating is the number one no no in relationships. If cheated on, the cheater must work very hard to gain the trust back of the other person. Not just a oh im sorry or it wont happen again I promise. They must work hard to earn the trust and respect back. If someone is working to prove themselves worthy of being in a relationship it is worth it.

My look even on relationships is that you must go out into the world planing to be single the rest of your life. When someone can change your mind about that then and only then should you consider dating. (2) Just going out willynilly is so pointless and broken hearts happen because one person was not as into the relationship as the other. If you can look at your current significant other and say its over, and walk away end it now! but if you cant say it, cant walk away cant even joke about it, you got a keeper. the very moment you question a relationship without crying, it is time to end it.

Stay single untill someone changes your mind. Go out and kiss anyone you want. Dance with whoever looks good at it for you. Go get drunk and make thoes mistakes. Have a wild life! then when someone can change your mind on staying with one person, go for it.

I’m not even talking about love. I’m just talking about romantic relationships here. Love is a totally different story…

Texting is a great thing. Great to text in class when bored. Great to text information that is needed and now you don’t have to write it down.  They even have programs that you can register for to remind you about doc appts or to take meds or the call number for library books. It is even a great communication divice between people just to talk constantly. But texting is not supposed to be for fighting. Fighting is supposed to be done in person or at least a phone call. Half the time one of the people doesn’t even know they are in a fight.

It is so stupid when someone says “I’m not texting him first. I gave him my number, he has to text first!”

UGH give me a break!!!

If you really want to talk to someone DO IT! dont be a pussy and fear rejection. if you are rejected, move on! At least you tried! it is always better to once love then never to have loved at all (3)

People need to take the chance! Take the leap(4)!!! learn from the mistakes AND LIVE LIFE! Don’t sit around complaining about who is going to text who first. its lame and nobody wants to hear you complain about it.

But texting in a class is totally okay. Especially in college. And if your prof texts in class, more the reason for you to.  I mean as long as grades stay good. 😉

I am not saying become a party person and fail in school. I am just saying people have to find a happy medium for work school partying family and romantic relationships. Yes, they do intertwine, but the balance should be even and then you can be happy 😀